Aqfer Packaging and Features

Aqfer offers a tiered pricing model for its software offerings. The charts below serve to give you a general idea of the various features available within each tier, and those that can be added on. Consult your Aqfer rep or the FAQs below for more information.

Base Entitlements

Standard Advanced Enterprise
Usage Credits 1 3 5
Storage Credits 1 2 4
Connection Credits 10 15
Additional Regions Deployment in a separate cloud region (i.e. US-East-1 & US-West-2).
Additional Primary Tenants End-user customers having their own dedicated cloud accounts and custom job configurations.
Subtenants End-user customers with data partitioned using the same job configurations.
Data Collection

Standard Advanced Enterprise
First-Party Tags and Telemetry Data Collect data directly from your website visitors
Third-Party Tags and Telemetry Data Gather data from external sources about your audience
Container Tags A single tag that manages multiple data collection tools
Hourly Data Delivery Receive updated data every hour for timely insights
Collated Data Feeds Combined data from various sources for easier analysis
Beacon Management Tracking, organizing, and utilizing web beacons (aka pixels) for data collection purposes
Log Delivery to Your Desired Endpoint Send data to your preferred storage or analysis platform
Synthetic IDs Artificially created user IDs for privacy-compliant tracking
Multiple Domains (with common ownership) Collect data from several websites you own and operate
Multiple Certificates (one certificate per site owner) Set up first-party tracking for each of your clients
Compute Forward Option Process data within your own secure cloud environment
Streaming Log Option Continuously receive data as it's collected in real-time
Identity Resolution

Standard Advanced Enterprise
Data Subject Key Extraction Identify and extract unique user identifiers from the graph data
Edge Extraction Select specific data points to include in user profiles
Cluster ID Generation Create groups of related user identifiers for analysis
Deterministic Clustering Group user identifiers based on definitive matching criteria
Synthetic Edge Generation Create likely connections between user identifiers using algorithms
Daily Graph Updates Refresh user profiles with new data every day
Relaxed Cluster Topology Flexible grouping of user identifiers for broader analysis
Probabilistic Edge Generation Estimate connections between user identifiers based on probability
Intra-day Graph Updates Refresh user profiles multiple times per day
Mesh Topology Support Complex, interconnected grouping of user identifiers for advanced analysis
Real Time Data Access

Standard Advanced Enterprise
Serverless API (sub-10ms latency) GETs and PUTs running at adtech speed
Bulk Load Efficiently upload large amounts of data at once
OLAP to OLTP Bridge (OLAP Master) Sync data from analysis database to operational database
DBDS "RT Profile API" Access and update user profiles in real-time
GraphDS "RT Graph API" Access and update user identity graph in real-time
Real Time OLTP Storage Forward Easily map and transform data using flexible configurations
Universal Mapper (Table & YAML) Easily map and transform data using flexible configurations
API Handler SDK Tools to build custom integrations with our real-time APIs
OLTP to OLAP Bridge (OLTP Master) Sync data from operational database to analysis database
Application Transaction Logs Detailed records of all data changes for auditing purposes
DB Change Transaction Logs Detailed records of database updates for auditing purposes
Dedicated Cluster (10 ms) Your own private data processing environment for optimal performance
RT/OLTP Compute Forward Option Process real-time data within your own secure environment
Data Processing

Standard Advanced Enterprise
Standard Lakehouse Ingestion Format Common data format for easy storage and analysis
Standard Data Mart Schemas Pre-defined data structures for common business analysis needs
PAIL API Easily retrieve data from the data lake for analysis
Daily Lakehouse Updates Refresh the data lake with new data every day
Commercial Partner Integrations Pre-built connectors to popular third-party data providers
Mapping Configuration (Table & YAML) Easily map and transform data using flexible configurations
Distribution Service Efficiently share data with partners and other systems
Graph ID Translation Convert user identifiers between different systems and formats
Encryption Forward for Secure Data Collaboration Securely share encrypted data with partners for joint analysis
Data Processing SDK (collations, pipelines, etc.) Tools to customize and extend data processing capabilities
CPython Plug-Ins Add custom Python code to extend data processing functionality
AudSum API Summarize and aggregate data for high-level reporting
Datamart Graph Lens Projection Analyze data using user identity graph for added insights
Intra-day Lakehouse Updates Refresh the data lake multiple times per day
OLAP Storage Forward Store analytical data in your own secure environment
OLAP Compute Forward Process analytical data within your own secure environment


Section 1

What are the optional features that can be added?

The Standard tier allows the identity graph and real-time options to be added. The Advanced tier can also add the real-time option, but does have the identity graph included. Additional options such as storage- and compute-forward deployments can be added to the Enterprise tier. For specific questions about your deployment needs, talk to your Aqfer representative.

What are the main differences between the Advanced and Enterprise editions?

The Enterprise edition includes all Advanced capabilities plus higher base entitlements, forward compute and storage options, an advanced data processing SDK and plugins, additional real-time features like intra-day updates, and future capabilities around probabilistic clustering, microbatch support, and an Analytics Engine.

Section 2

What is the difference between subtenants and primary tenants?

Subtenants are end-user customers whose data may exist only within the application layer, be partitioned using a tenant ID, or be separated and secured under the same aMDP account as the Aqfer client in their own AWS S3 or Google Cloud bucket storage.

Primary Tenants are end-user customers that have their own dedicated, secure aMDP cloud (AWS, GCP, etc.) accounts and job configurations. Implementations that require deployment across multiple cloud regions will require one primary tenant for each cloud provider region. For example, deploying on AWS in US-East, US-West, and Singapore would require three primary tenant entitlement credits.

Are discounts available for usage credits based on commitment term and volume?

A discount is available for usage credits with a 12-month commitment, and tiered discounts can go higher based on volume.