Where “one-stop-shop” used to be an important value proposition to technology buyers, we are entering a new era where specialization is king. In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, monolithic technology architecture won’t stand the test of time.  Product managers and chief product officers in the MADTech space face a paradigm shift that demands a new approach to product development and integration. The key to thriving in this new world lies in embracing composability – the ability to create flexible, modular, and adaptable systems that can seamlessly integrate with other technologies.


Complex Environments Require Specialized Solutions

As customer expectations continue to rise, the digital ecosystem becomes increasingly complex. In turn, technical jobs-to-be-done grow increasingly complicated. The monolithic ways of the past are giving way to a technological future with robust, but specialized capabilities. While brands used to rely on one provider to cover everything from marketing analytics to sending emails to managing customer data, one-size-fits all solutions often aren’t robust enough to truly satisfy the unique needs of brands and their customer cohorts. 

Future-ready technology providers are investing in unique, ownable service areas where they can grow a niche, but loyal customer base. But in a world where brands seek specialized technology services, it’s never been more important to play well with others. Companies must adopt a composable architecture that allows for the rapid assembly and disassembly of components. This approach enables organizations to quickly respond to market demands, innovate faster, and deliver personalized experiences to their customers.


Composable Technology Requirements &  Product Strategy

To successfully adapt to this composable world, product leaders must prioritize the development of API-driven, microservices-based architectures that facilitate easy integration and interoperability between systems. By breaking down monolithic applications into smaller, reusable components, technology providers can achieve greater agility, scalability, and resilience in their technology stack.

Embracing composability requires a shift in mindset from a focus on building standalone products to creating ecosystems of interconnected services. Product managers must think beyond their own offerings and consider how their components can fit into the larger network of solutions that comprise their clients’ tech stacks. . This involves fostering partnerships, collaborations, and open standards that enable seamless data exchange and functionality across different platforms.

Investing in composability also means empowering teams with the right tools, processes, and skills to thrive in this new environment. This includes adopting agile methodologies, promoting a culture of experimentation and continuous improvement, and upskilling talent to work with modern technologies such as cloud computing, APIs, and low-code/no-code platforms.

As the world becomes increasingly composable, product leaders who embrace this shift and adapt their strategies accordingly will be well-positioned to drive innovation, deliver exceptional customer experiences, and stay ahead of the competition in the ever-evolving martech, ad tech, and data provider industries.


Composability and AI

It’s difficult to discuss technology these days without mentioning AI… this article is no exception. AI has infiltrated all corners of the MADTech world, influencing buyer expectations and product usability alike. In the context of composability, the rise of AI makes adapting to a composable future even more challenging. 

AI’s promise is to make technical capabilities easier for non-technical users. But realizing that vision is extremely nuanced. From data tech like cloud warehouses and analytics software to automation tools and low/no-code platforms, AI is ushering in a future where previously complicated technology is accessible to less technical audiences. Where technology providers were once building for one type of user, AI makes it possible (and expected) to serve everyone. 


The Aqfer Approach to Composable Technology

Building composable solutions requires more robust data capture, processing and activation capabilities. Data infrastructure projects can be incredibly tedious and complex, sucking valuable development resources away from advancing the composable solutions they power. That’s where Aqfer comes in.

Aqfer’s marketing data platform helps MADTech providers build future-reach and cost-effective marketing data solutions. You bring the use-cases for your composable technology future, and we’ll bring the data infrastructure to help bring it to life. Click here to learn more about Aqfer’s marketing data solutions.