Unlock the Power of Zero-Copy

Unlock the Power of Zero-Copy

As others are waking up to the benefits of zero copy infrastructure, Aqfer has empowered organizations to bring apps to their data for years.

A Data Infrastructure Buyer’s Guide for a Complex MadTech Landscape

A Data Infrastructure Buyer’s Guide for a Complex MadTech Landscape

Between increased consumer demands for personalization, confusing data privacy regulations, changes to third-party cookie policies, and a technology landscape evolving at warp speeds, it can be difficult for MadTech companies to keep up. Developing the right data infrastructure to lay the foundation for your marketing and advertising tech solutions has never been more important.

Building for a Composable Future

Building for a Composable Future

Product managers and chief product officers in the MADTech space face a paradigm shift that demands a new approach to product development and integration. The key to thriving in this new world lies in embracing composability – the ability to create flexible, modular, and adaptable systems that can seamlessly integrate with other technologies.