Modern marketers are drowning in metrics. But more metrics doesn’t necessarily equal better campaign performance. Meanwhile, a crowded and competitive digital landscape creates more pressure than ever to prove marketing return on investment (ROI). Traditional metrics used to measure marketing performance – clicks, impressions, conversions – only tell part of the story. To truly understand marketing effectiveness, brands need to focus on measuring attention.

What are Attention Metrics?

Attention metrics quantify the quality and depth of engagement people have with marketing content. Metrics like viewability, time spent, and attention time track whether ads are actually seen, for how long, and how absorbing the experience is for the viewer. These metrics provide invaluable insights compared to legacy measures of exposure.

Ten seconds of engaged viewing time is worth more than a hundred impressions that are never seen. And a consumer who actively engages with an ad is more likely to recall the message and take action.

Engagement Trumps Impressions

Leading brands are shifting dollars to publishers, platforms and providers that allow attention metrics to optimize ad delivery. Instead of paying for impressions, they are paying for engagement. This is driving a shift towards attention-based media buying.

Platforms like YouTube, Facebook and TikTok now report attention metrics that quantify how long people watch and interact with video ads. Brands using these attention benchmarks to optimize ad delivery have seen dramatic improvements in brand lift and sales.

Attention data is also powering a revolution in evaluating content marketing. Leading providers apply computer vision and sensing technologies to measure visual engagement with images and video on websites, social media and emails. Brands using attention metrics to refine content are seeing surges in conversion rates.

Using Attention Metrics to Optimize ROI

The key is translating attention data into insights that optimize creative, media targeting and messaging. Brands need to leverage attention analytics to identify high-performing content formats, placements and calls-to-action. These insights allow refining content and experiences to drive engagement.

Attention metrics are the key to unlocking marketing ROI in a digital world. With the flood of content vying for consumer mindshare, the brands that win will be those that use attention data to cut through the noise and create truly engaging experiences. Paying attention pays dividends.

The biggest friction in moving towards attention measurement is a lack of the right data infrastructure. Reach out to learn how Aqfer can help your company create the right infrastructure to level up marketing analytics.  

About the Author

Tom Winchell

VP, Sales

Tom Winchell is a seasoned Martech and data solutions expert with over 20 years of experience in the industry. He currently serves as the Vice President of Sales at Aqfer. He has worked with companies of all sizes, from global enterprises to startups, helping them optimize their customer data, improve marketing workflows, maximize campaign efficiency, and increase marketing ROI. Tom’s experience spans various verticals, including financial services, retail, restaurants, and marketing agencies. He has a proven track record of driving sales growth, building successful partner channels, and developing effective marketing strategies. Tom is well-versed in data enrichment, data processing, marketing databases, and end-to-end marketing solutions. With his deep understanding of the martech landscape and his ability to solve complex problems, Tom is a valuable asset to the Aqfer team.


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