For the past 3+ years, Google’s plans to phase out third-party cookies have been a focal point of the MadTech landscape. On the heels of yet another timeline delay, it’s not so crazy to think Google may decide to delay cookie deprecation to 2026 or beyond. Such a scenario would offer the industry more time to adapt, innovate, and strategize. Here’s what the adtech industry should focus on to remain competitive and forward-thinking.


Enhance First-Party Data Strategies

A delay in the demise of third-party cookies allows businesses more time to further refine their first-party data strategies. Collecting and leveraging data directly from users via websites, apps, and other owned channels can provide valuable insights into consumer behavior and preferences.

Action Steps:

  • Invest in technologies and platforms that facilitate first-party data collection and analysis.
  • Develop comprehensive data management practices to ensure data accuracy and usability.
  • Create personalized marketing campaigns based on first-party data insights to improve engagement and conversion rates.


Invest in Contextual Advertising

Contextual advertising, which places ads based on the content of the page rather than user behavior, is poised to become increasingly prominent. By aligning ads with relevant content,  the user gets a better advertising experience and advertisers see improved ad performance.

Action Steps:

  • Develop sophisticated algorithms to better understand and match content with appropriate advertisements.
  • Test and optimize contextual ad placements to ensure they effectively reach target audiences.
  • Partner with content-rich publishers to expand the reach and effectiveness of contextual campaigns.


Strengthen Direct Relationships with Publishers

Building strong, direct relationships with publishers can offer more control over ad placements and access to premium inventory. This approach reduces reliance on walled gardens and third-party intermediaries and fosters more transparent and mutually beneficial partnerships.

Action Steps:

  • Establish direct deals and private marketplaces with key publishers.
  • Collaborate on data sharing and audience insights to create more targeted and effective ad campaigns.
  • Negotiate flexible and innovative ad formats that align with publishers’ content and user experience goals.


Focus on Ad Quality and User Experience

As the industry adjusts to a delayed deprecation timeline, improving ad quality and user experience remains crucial. High-quality, non-intrusive ads can drive better engagement and enhance brand perception.

Action Steps:

  • Implement standards and guidelines to ensure ad quality and relevance.
  • Leverage creative technologies to develop engaging and interactive ad formats.
  • Continuously monitor and optimize ad performance to maintain high standards.


Experiment with Alternative Identifiers

While the deprecation of third-party cookies may be delayed, experimenting with alternative identifiers can provide valuable insights and readiness for the eventual shift. Solutions like Unified ID 2.0, Privacy Sandbox, and other industry initiatives can offer viable alternatives.

Action Steps:

  • Participate in industry collaborations to test and refine alternative identifiers.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness and scalability of these solutions in various advertising scenarios.
  • Prepare for a seamless transition by integrating these alternatives into current adtech stacks.


Boost Investment in Analytics and Measurement

Robust analytics and measurement tools are essential for understanding campaign performance and making data-driven decisions. Investing in advanced analytics capabilities can help businesses optimize ad performance and improve ROI.

Action Steps:

  • Enhance attribution models to accurately track and measure campaign effectiveness.
  • Utilize advanced analytics platforms to gain deeper insights into audience behavior and preferences.
  • Regularly review and refine measurement techniques to ensure they align with evolving industry standards.


Stay Ahead of the Cookie Deprecation Curve 

If Google delays the deprecation of third-party cookies to 2026 or beyond, the adtech industry has a unique opportunity to strategically prepare for the future. This extended timeline allows for thoughtful innovation and adaptation, ensuring that when the shift finally occurs, the industry is well-equipped to thrive in a cookie-less world.

If you’re ready to get serious about the action steps listed in this article, Aqfer is here to help! Our Marketing Data Platform is purposefully designed to help adtech companies go to market faster with new and improved solutions for advertisers. Click here to explore key use cases, and reach out to get started today! 


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