As the marketing and advertising industry continues to evolve rapidly, how could there be a more energizing and jam-packed week than the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity this year? Now that we are half-way through 2024, I wanted to highlight several key themes from Cannes 2024 that will shape the future of our industry.

The overarching theme of Cannes 2024 was undoubtedly the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI’s influence was evident across various aspects of the industry, from creative processes to measurement. The integration of AI in different realms of marketing and advertising dominated discussions and presentations throughout the event.

Among the most discussed topics at Cannes, four stood out to me:

1. Critical Use Cases for Data and AI

The application of data and AI in marketing is expanding rapidly. The conversation centered around 4 critical use cases:

  • Creative process: AI is infusing intelligence and automation into creative workflows, enhancing efficiency and enabling more data-driven creative decisions. 
  • Identification and targeting: AI is revolutionizing both contextual and behavioral targeting, allowing for more precise audience segmentation and personalized messaging.
  • Media planning: Advanced models and machine learning are influencing planning decisions, optimizing media spend and improving campaign effectiveness.
  • Attribution and analytics: Modern approaches to measurement, powered by AI, are providing deeper insights into campaign performance and consumer behavior.


2. Brands Taking Control of Their Data

A growing trend among brands is the move towards greater control over their data, often facilitated by enterprise or private identity graphs. This shift is driven by several factors:

  • Privacy and security concerns in an increasingly regulated landscape 
  • The need for modernization of data systems and processes
  • A desire to improve consumer experiences through better data management

By taking control of their data, brands can ensure compliance, enhance data quality, and create more personalized and effective marketing strategies.


3. Evolution of Commerce Media

Retail media networks are becoming increasingly prominent in the advertising landscape. Traditional retailers like Target, Kroger, and Walmart are leading the charge with their respective platforms. However, the trend is expanding beyond traditional retail, as exemplified by United Airlines’ launch of its Retail Media Network, Connective. This evolution represents new ways for companies to monetize their audiences and for advertisers to reach consumers at critical touchpoints in the purchase journey.


4. Need for Simplification and Modern Data Infrastructure

As data continues to grow in volume and complexity, marketers face increasing challenges in managing and leveraging information effectively. The conference emphasized the importance of a modern foundational data environment to address these challenges. Key components of a modern data layer include robust data organization and infrastructure, advanced identity resolution capabilities, sophisticated data collaboration tools, and AI-supported functionalities. These elements form the backbone of a simplified yet powerful data ecosystem that enables marketers to extract maximum value from their information.


Continue the Conversation

As I reflect on Cannes 2024, it’s clear that we are in a period of significant change, disruption, and opportunity. The integration of AI, the push for greater data control, the evolution of commerce media, and the emphasis on modern data infrastructure are all shaping the future of marketing and advertising.

Want to continue the conversation and discuss in more detail? Please reach out.

About the Author

Mark Sneathen

SVP of Sales

Mark Sneathen is Aqfer’s SVP of Sales. His 20 year career has spanned sales, marketing, and revenue leadership roles with SaaS, DaaS, and analytics businesses, helping to launch new products, build teams, and scale businesses. Mark has worked in companies across a range of growth stages, from Series A through public companies. He has led sales teams in the three major categories of Ad Tech: Audiences, Measurement, and Ad Serving. Before joining Aqfer, he was a sales leader at Mediaocean, a leading SaaS platform for automating ad buying and ad personalization. 


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