Staying competitive in a fast-moving industry like MarTech and AdTech requires almost constant innovation.  To continuously drive value, companies should experiment with new strategies, technologies, and approaches. Here are some key experiments that AdTech and MarTech companies should be running right now:


Advanced Attribution Modeling

Attribution modeling measures the impact of various marketing channels. It is crucial for optimizing spend and strategy.


  • Multi-Touch Attribution: Test different multi-touch attribution models to determine which provides the most accurate insights into customer behavior and campaign effectiveness.
  • Incrementality Testing: Conduct experiments to measure the true incremental value of specific marketing activities and channels.


Personalization & Customer Segmentation

Personalization is no longer just “nice-to-have.” 71% of consumers now expect personalized digital experiences and are disappointed when those expectations aren’t met. 


  • Dynamic Content Personalization: Implement and test AI-driven personalization engines that tailor content, offers, and recommendations in real-time based on user behavior and preferences.
  • Hyper-Segmentation: Experiment with creating ultra-specific audience segments using advanced data analytics and machine learning to drive targeted marketing campaigns.


Real-Time Bidding & Programatic Advertising

Optimizing real-time bidding strategies can improve ad performance and ROI.


  • Algorithmic Bidding: Test various algorithmic bidding strategies to identify the optimal approach for different types of campaigns and audiences.
  • Supply Path Optimization: Experiment with different supply path optimization techniques to reduce ad fraud, improve transparency, and increase the efficiency of programmatic ad buys.


AI & Machine Learning Applications

Today, there are endless ways to leverage AI and machine learning to improve Martech and Adtech operations. 


  • Predictive Analytics: Use predictive analytics to forecast customer behavior, optimize campaign timing, and allocate budgets more effectively.
  • Creative Optimization: Implement AI-driven tools to test and optimize creative elements, such as images, videos, and ad copy, to determine what resonates best with different audience segments.


Contextual Advertising

Given the uncertain future of third-party cookies, contextual advertising is becoming increasingly important.


  • Content Matching Algorithms: Develop and test advanced algorithms that improve the accuracy of contextual ad placements based on the content of the page.
  • Contextual Targeting Effectiveness: Measure the performance of contextual targeting against traditional cookie-based targeting to understand its effectiveness and potential ROI.


Data Privacy & Compliance Innovations

Staying ahead of privacy regulations is critical for maintaining customer trust and avoiding legal issues.


  • Consent Management Platforms (CMPs): Test different CMPs to ensure they provide a seamless user experience while maintaining compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and other regulations.
  • Data Anonymization Techniques: Experiment with various data anonymization methods to protect user privacy while still enabling effective targeting and analytics.


Omnichannel Campaign Integration

Integrating campaigns across multiple channels can provide a more cohesive customer experience and better insights.


  • Cross-Channel Attribution: Test methods for tracking and attributing customer interactions across different channels (e.g., email, social media, web, mobile) to understand the full customer journey.
  • Unified Customer Profiles: Implement and test unified customer profiles that aggregate data from various touchpoints to create a holistic view of each customer.


Video & Interactive Advertising

Experimenting with ad formats such as video and new interactive media types and increase engagement and drive demand.


  • Interactive Video Ads: Develop and test interactive video ad formats that encourage viewer participation and measure their impact on engagement and conversion rates.
  • Short-Form Video Content: Experiment with short-form video content on platforms like TikTok and Instagram to understand its effectiveness compared to traditional video formats.


Customer Journey Mapping

Understanding the customer journey in detail can help optimize marketing strategies.


  • Journey Analytics: Use advanced analytics tools to map out detailed customer journeys and identify key touchpoints and pain points.
  • Behavioral Triggers: Test the effectiveness of different behavioral triggers (e.g., abandoned cart reminders, personalized offers) at various stages of the customer journey.


Blockchain Ad Verification

Blockchain technology can enhance transparency and reduce fraud in digital advertising.


  • Ad Verification: Implement blockchain-based ad verification solutions to track ad delivery and performance in a transparent and tamper-proof manner.
  • Smart Contracts: Experiment with smart contracts for automated ad buying and selling processes to reduce the risk of fraud and improve efficiency.


Stay Ahead of the Curve

By running these experiments, AdTech and MarTech companies can stay at the cutting edge of industry  innovation, driving better outcomes for their clients and customers. Continuous experimentation and adaptation is essential to staying one step ahead of  an evolving landscape.

Before your company can run nimble experiments like these, you need to establish the right foundation for innovation. Aqfer’s Marketing Data Platform supercharges your data layer so you can run experiments like these more efficiently. Explore our use cases and get inspired for charting your own innovative course in 2024 and beyond. 


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